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Various Ways to Overcome Calcification of Bone

Calcification can be defined as the formation of bone tissue at the edge or certain parts of the bone due to calcium deposits. During this time, many people assume that bone calcification is identical to bone loss. Is that true? Find out what is meant by bone calcification and its causes here. Bone loss occurs due to reduced bone density and loss of calcium content in the bones. In the medical world, bone loss is usually called osteoporosis. Calcification of bones and joints occurs due to several factors, but one of the most common is osteoarthritis. In this condition, joint inflammation occurs due to cushioning at the end of the bone which wears out over time. So, the damage that occurs in the joints and parts of the bone around the joint. Calcification can also occur due to the aging process. Calcification of bones often does not cause symptoms, but if calcification causes further damage to surrounding structures such as muscles and ligaments, symptoms are more likely to appear. Calcification is also often detected during routine medical checks (medical check-ups) and X-rays of the bone.

Conditions that cause osteoarthritis

The cause of joint damage and joint area that cannot be repaired perfectly by the body is still uncertain. However, there are several factors that are thought to play a role in increasing the risk of osteoarthritis. The age factor influences a person's likelihood of contracting bone due to osteoarthritis. Women are also considered more at risk of developing this type of bone disorder than men. However, there is no satisfactory explanation for why this could happen. Certain types of work also allow the joints to get excess pressure in the long run. Osteoarthritis can be caused by work-related injuries, which are jobs that require repetitive movements in certain joints. Apart from work, joint injuries from sports and traffic accidents also increase the risk of osteoarthritis. Obesity, which causes an excessive burden on the weight-bearing joints, also increases the risk of osteoarthritis. Other medical conditions that have had can also cause osteoarthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Overcome Bone Calcification Independently

If the bone calcification has been suffered, the following lifestyle related things can be done to reduce the symptoms caused, including:

1. Lose weight

Joints that experience excessive pressure worsen the calcification of the bones suffered. The easy solution is to lose weight.

2. Sports

Regular exercise is important to strengthen the muscles around the calcified joints. This will make the joint more stable so that it can reduce the severity of osteoarthritis. Make sure the exercise is not excessive because it will worsen the problem suffered.

3. Warm or cold compresses

When oateoarthritis causes pain, try using warm compresses or cold water to relieve it. The use of warm compresses also has a role to relax the muscles, while cold compresses can relieve muscle cramps and pain.

4. Using painkillers

The use of painkillers in the form of creams or gels that are sold freely in pharmacies can also be done. Cream or gel pain reliever is suitable for use in joints close to the surface of the skin, such as joints in the knee and fingers.

5. Using tools

Assistive devices, such as sticks, may be needed to facilitate patients with calcification in their activities. The use of this tool, especially in cases of calcification due to bone and joint damage that has continued. To determine the right type of hearing aid, consult a doctor.

Drugs and Therapeutics that Can Be Done

In addition to the above independent measures, you may need a pain reliever, such as paracetamol or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), which can be prescribed by a doctor. Your doctor may also recommend the following to overcome bone calcification:


Physical therapy or physiotherapy in the form of muscle strengthening, aims to improve the patient's ability to move and to reduce pain. This therapy is able to strengthen the muscles around the thinning joint.

Occupational therapy

This therapy aims to make daily activities and work able to be done without aggravating joint damage. The therapist will explain about certain ways how to do daily activities without excessive pain due to calcification of bones.

Special shoes

Patient shoes will be given a special cushion that can reduce pain when standing or walking. If the above things have been applied but the condition does not improve, the doctor may recommend you to undergo certain procedures, such as corticosteroid injections or surgery to replace damaged joints. In conditions of osteoarthritis that are already severe, the treatment is no longer enough just with lifestyle changes. Consult your doctor about treatment options that suit your condition.
